33 posts tagged with "crypto"
View All TagsTODO - Estrategias de Gestión del Supply
TODO - Los 6 estilos de Tokenización de RWA
RWA Utility Token
RWA Stablecoin
RWA Synth
RWA Security Token
RWA Unit of Account
TODO - Mal uso de la TQM en Utility Tokens
This article will cover why applying Quantitative Methods to Utility Tokens, or any token model not pegged to fiat prices, is a wrong approach.
TODO - Stablecoin, CryptoCommodity y la Ley de Gresham
This article will cover why applying Quantitative Methods to Utility Tokens, or any token model not pegged to fiat prices, is a wrong approach.
TODO - La necesidad del standard monetario
Bitcoin, Monero