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Infrastructure Intro

DLT Networks Overview

Crypto has split into layered ecosystems. Every ecosystem is built by a foundational L1 network, either brand new or as a fork of a previous L1 network, and a number of addtional scaled satellite networks providing different scaling patterns (see DLT Networks). Because of the technological limitations, there is not a perfect network that delivers the highest standards in every feature but, instead, every network within the ecosystem, either L1 or L2, is specialized in a different set of features.

Different real world applications require different levels of service. This levels of sevrice would include throughtput, fees, security levels, privacy or decentralization degree (see Quality of Money). Therefore, there must be a trade-off between critical aspects required by every CryptoCommodity service and the network(s) that deliver(s) these service(s).

Interoperability Overview

Interoperability patterns aim to blur the separation between network ecosystems in the path to a real network abstraction. Different interoperability patterns have been proposed, delivering different set of features with the goal of multichain smart contracts and tokens.

Tokenization Platform

There is not a network delivering all features for any required level of service. Therefore, it is up to the CryptoCommodity issuer to design what networks will be supported for what services and split the CryptoCommodity liquidity accordingly. The Tokenization Platform provides the issuer the ability to move liquidity between the supported networks and the know how to make wise decisions on chains supported by the CryptoCommodity.