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Finalize a Funding Round

Refund. Finalize Funding Round with Failure

Finalize failed funding round. Steps:

ISSUER: Finalize Funding Round

INVESTOR: Refund invested tokens

INVESTOR: Refund invested coins

ISSUER: Reset Funding Round

ICO Features

Claim. Finalize Funding Round with Success

Finalize successfull funding round. Steps:

ISSUER: Finalize Funding Round

ISSUER: Enter Vesting Address in Crowdsale

ISSUER: Enter Token Address in Crowdsale

ISSUER: Enter Token Address in Vesting

ISSUER: Enter Crowdsale Address as Vesting Grantor

ISSUER: Transfers to Crowdsale Total Cryptocommodities purchased

INVESTOR: Claims purchased Cryptocommodities

INVESTOR: Waits Vesting Periods

INVESTOR: Release Vesting Slides


ISSUER: Configures Withdraw Wallet

ISSUER: Withdraws Funds to Wallet


ISSUER: Runs TGE to Exchanges (Optionally)